Chief (retired) Noble Wray, FIP Executive-Level Instructor, speaks about the traditional understandings of prejudice versus what we now know about implicit bias.

What we are learning is that there is more than just one form of prejudice. It is no longer just caused by those looking to cause harm and it is starting to show as a hidden bias. Fair and Impartial Policing is bringing awareness to implicit bias by providing racial bias training for police officers, city government officials, and fire/EMS responders. The CEO, Dr. Lorie Fridell, has provided training on how to decrease these hidden biases among our law enforcement. Through these trainings, they will learn a new skillset and ways to be aware of their implicit biases.

Fair and Impartial Policing’s training reflects a shift away from the traditional ideas about prejudice. Based on modern scientific research, our training program focuses on implicit biases that operate outside our conscious awareness. FIP’s implicit bias training for police officers stands in stark contrast to the finger-pointing racial bias training of the past. Rather, FIP’s implicit bias training for police officers focuses on the scientific evidence that all humans experience implicit biases, and that with strategies and practice, we can become aware of and manage these biases to provide safe, just, and effective service to our communities.

FIP is well known for our training customization that focuses on meeting each agency’s needs. In addition to our training for police departments, FIP also offers customized training for the following groups sheriffs’, corrections, fire, EMS, prosecutors, probation, city-wide government, community members, and others. FIP works closely with our clients to ensure courses target one’s profession, but also their level of responsibility within their agency. FIP understands the unique training needs of front-line employees, first-line supervisors, mid-managers, and executive and command personnel.

FIP offers courses for all levels of police, sheriffs’ agencies, and fire/EMS. We customize our courses in language, exercises, and scenarios for the attendee audience in order to focus on the specific circumstances our trainees will find themselves facing. To learn more about our training, give us a call today.