Each of us has implicit biases. Yes, even those of us who consciously reject prejudice and stereotypes. Science shows that our brains form biases to process a deluge of information swiftly—albeit not always accurately. If we all have implicit biases, wouldn’t it be worthwhile, desirable even, to share a common understanding about what they are, how they develop, how to identify them (in ourselves and others) and how to reduce and manage them?
After more than a decade providing implicit-bias-awareness training to law enforcement, other local and state government agencies reached out to Fair and Impartial Policing, LLC (FIP) with requests to deliver our training to their personnel. FIP saw the value in providing a training experience to a broader government audience—value in developing a shared vocabulary among government personnel that would reinforce across all agencies in a jurisdiction the critical message of providing fair and impartial service to community members.
FIP is proud to offer impactful training to these new audiences. We have customized training programs for police and Fire/EMT; and we have a program designed to serve all other city or county employees‒whether they are accountants, code enforcers, public works personnel, receptionists, and so forth. Courses are customized to the target audience and also to the employees’ levels within agencies (i.e., line-level, first-line supervisor, manager, executive/director).
All FIP courses are grounded in our well-established Core Training Content that introduces participants to the science of implicit bias, explores how bias might manifest in our daily work, identifies the possible consequences of biased behavior, and presents skills to reduce and manage our biases. Our government-wide training program is engaging and interactive and ready to come to your community. For more information on our engaging and interactive implicit bias training for government employees, click here.