Select List of Clients
International Clients
Toronto Police Service, Ontario, Canada
Vancouver Transit Police Service, British Columbia, Canada
U. S. Federal Clients
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (Since 2009 providing training, technical assistance, including assistance to law enforcement agencies at the risk for pattern and practice and materials development to support the Fair and Impartial Policing Training Program)
U.S. Forest Service
State Agencies
California Department of Justice
Idaho Law Enforcement Academy, Boise
Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at Central Connecticut University, Hartford (CT)
Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center
Kansas Regional Police Academy
Massachusetts State Police Academy, New Braintree
Missouri Command College
Rhode Island Law Enforcement Training Academy, Providence
South Carolina Department of Public Safety
Utah Chiefs of Police
Washington State Criminal Justice Academy (FIP Infusion in Academy Curriculum)
Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance, Madison
Local Agencies
Albuquerque (NM) Police Department
Athens-Clarke County (GA) Police Department
Baltimore (MD) Police Department
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART, CA) Police Department
Berkeley (CA) Police Department
Chapel Hill (NC) Police Department
Charleston (NC) Police Department
Clearwater (FL) Police Department
Concord (NC) Police Department
Costa Mesa (CA) Police Department
Detroit (MI) Police Department
Durham (NC) Police Department
Elgin (IL) Police Department
Fayetteville, North Carolina Police Department
Greensboro (NC) Police Department
Greenville (SC) Police Department
Henrico County (VA) Police Department
Kalamazoo (MI) Police Department
La Crosse (WI) Police Department
Las Vegas (NV) Metropolitan Police Department
Madison (WI) Police Department
Maple Grove (MN) Police Department
Milwaukee (WI) Police Department (Training and FIP Infusion in Academy Curriculum)
Minneapolis (MN) Police Department
New York City (NY) Police Department
Norwalk (CT) Police Department
Palo Alto (CA) Police Department
Palm Beach County (FL) Police Department
Piedmont (CA) Police Department
Prince William County (VA) Police Department
Richmond (CA) Police Department
Richmond (VA) Police Department
Sanford (FL) Police Department
San Francisco (CA) Office of Citizen Complaints
St. Louis County (MO) PD
Tampa (FL) Police Department
Tucson (AZ) Police Department
University of California Berkeley (CA) Police Department
Virginia Beach (VA) Police Department
Wichita Police (KS) Department
Coastal Caroline University of Public Safety
University of North Carolina Campus Police
Furman University Police Department
Central State University – Institute for Municipal & Regional Police
University of Chicago Police Department
Armstrong State University Police Department
Elon University
University of Central Florida
Valparaiso University Police Department
Davidson College Police Department
Wake Forest University
Western Technical College
Vanderbilt University
University of Dayton
Washburn University Police Department
University of Connecticut
University of Maryland
Villanova University
University of Florida
University of California Santa Barbara
Amarillo College
Lehigh University
Implicit Bias Training Impact: What Class Participants Are Saying
Overwhelmingly training participants have reported that the training has changed their perspectives and that the training had practical application to their day-to-day work, and overall implicit bias training had a positive impact. Participant feedback on the exercises and videos range from “great” to “awesome.” As one participant who was returning to the job after being off for several years wrote, “I had [been impacted by stereotypes/biases] as an officer but did not know it until now. I could have used you guys back in 1995!”
Our PATROL & RECRUIT attendees:
- “I am going to work in a very diverse environment and feel this training has helped me learn how to attempt to be unbiased towards situations I may encounter.”
- “I will go into each situation with this training in the back of my head.”
- “We were told we were going to ‘racial profiling’ class all day and, to be honest, that already put me off–thinking it was going to be the same stuff we always get. I was very, very surprised and happy to receive this training today.”
- “I learned what ‘implicit bias’ means and understand its effects on me, decisions I make and community perceptions of officers.”
- “Well presented. Most relevant discussions on topic of race relations I have heard in 14 years.”
- “I will better recognize bias and be able to address it with officers.”
- “Examples presented made me reflect on my personal behavior as well as behavior of my subordinates.”
- “Helped me realize my own biases and will help me to better train those officers working under my supervision.”
- “One of the best classes of this type I have attended.”
- “Good information that I didn’t know and great knowledge gained to take back to the people under me.”
Our MID-MANAGER attendees:
- “The course provided a great deal of information on bias and was presented in a manner that made it easy to understand and apply.”
- “An outstanding class teaching about fair and impartial policing and biased policing. Included the science behind it.”
- “The strength of the course content and presentation were the examples of the results of studies that supported the concepts.”
- “Gave me some eye-opening information. I used to be able to say I wasn’t biased; I can no longer say that. However, this course has now given me the opportunity to have an open conversation about this topic.”
- “Presented in lay terms that was understandable.”
- “It was very interactive and made me think. The resources and facts/examples were amazing.”
- “Provided all views of a complex problem that will bring all sides to the table for worthy, meaningful conversations.”
- “I am leaving the class with a new perspective on my own views and beliefs. I have a new awareness of bias-based policing within my own agency. The presentation of scientific data provided me with a more convincing argument that supported the existence of unintentional, but widespread racial bias, which I was typically quick to dismiss.”
- “I obtained new ideas from the other students as well as from the instructor.”
- “Having law enforcement and community stakeholders in the room made for interactive and thought- provoking discussions.”
- “Discussions enabled community and law enforcement to appreciate each other’s views.”
- “Excellent training—I cannot wait to present the material.”
- “Critical area of training for police. Use of scientific approach is great.”
- “Excellent blend of lecture, facilitation, team teaching, group exercises, and teach-back.”
- “Excellent training! The teach-backs were critically important.”
- “I came to this class against my will. My mind was quickly changed from ‘this class is a waste of time’ to‘why have I not had this class sooner in my 20 years of service?’ The instructors were great. I only hope I can communicate the importance of the class as well as they were able to.”