Fair & Impartial Policing

Police – LE Civilian TOT

Training Programs

Police – LE Civilian TOT

(1-hour, 30 attendees)

This TOT trains FIP-certified instructors to deliver our LE Civilian curriculum within their agency. This one-hour virtual TOT introduces trainers to the LE Civilian curriculum, walks them through the science and applications, and provides opportunities to ask questions. FIP’s LE Civilian curriculum is for non-sworn civilian and professional personnel working within a law enforcement agency and is applicable for both line-level and supervisory personnel. There is customized content for the work of crime analysts, dispatchers, administrative support staff, victim advocates, front desk aides, and any other civilian role.

At the conclusion of this TOT, trainers will be able to:

  • Understand and effectively communicate that even well-intentioned people have biases,
  • Understand and effectively communicate the science of implicit bias and the fact that it can impact on what we perceive/see and can (unless prevented) impact on what we do,
  • Use the Fair & Impartial Policing LE Civilian curriculum to teach personnel to (1) recognize both conscious and implicit biases, and (2) reduce and manage biases.

Trainers will also be able to:

  • Understand and effectively communicate how supervisors can identify and respond to subordinates who may be acting in a biased manner, including well-meaning employees whose biased behavior may not be consciously produced, and
  • Teach supervisors to challenge how they think about how bias might manifest in their own behavior.

Trainers must be currently certified to train FIP’s Basic Patrol and First-Line Supervisor courses to be eligible for this TOT. Trainers who successfully complete this TOT will be certified and licensed to train the copyrighted FIP LE Civilian curriculum in their agencies.


April 17, 2025
11:00am – 12:00pm EST
Where: Virtual
Hosted by: FIP
Course Details | Register For Course

June 19, 2025
11:00am – 12:00pm EST
Where: Virtual
Hosted by: FIP
Course Details | Register For Course