Training Programs
Course category: Fire/EMS Personnel

(4 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s training program for Fire and EMS agencies includes specialized content to address the specific duties of these first responders. This ...

(3 hours, 25 attendees) This course incorporates training content from FIP’s Fire/EMS Line-Level curriculum and presents it in an engaging online environment. At the completion ...

(4 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s First-Line Supervisor training for Fire and EMS agencies incorporates the core content provided to line personnel and helps supervisors identify ...

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course is for those in management or leadership positions in fire departments or EMS agencies (e.g., captains, deputy chiefs, directors, ...

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course is appropriate for both line-level and first-line supervisory personnel who support fire departments and EMS agencies. This course provides ...