The Fair and Impartial Policing training program is founded on the modern science of bias. Our courses explore how implicit biases can impact our thoughts and our behaviors and provides information and skills to help clients reduce and manage these biases. This implicit-bias-awareness training addresses not just racial/ethnic bias, but biases based on other factors such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status and so forth. Various types of bias are explored, including implicit associations, attentional bias, confirmation bias, we/they bias, and dehumanization.

For nearly 15 years, FIP has been the #1 trainer of implicit-bias-awareness training for law enforcement in North America. FIP is now pleased to provide a customized training experience for a variety of local, state, and federal agencies. Based on the same highly regarded and engaging training program, FIP offers courses for sheriffs’ agencies, Fire/EMS, prosecutors, probation and parole officers, parole boards, investigators, and all levels of government personnel.

TOT Basic
TOT Basic and Booster
TOT Recertification
Patrol Supervisor Booster

Training Programs

Police – Patrol Officers

This training is appropriate for recruits and patrol officers and focuses on FIP’s Core Content: (a) the science of bias, (b) how bias might manifest ...

Police – First-line Supervisors

This curriculum instructs trainees in how to supervise to promote fair & impartial policing, which can be very challenging. In addition to key content from ...

Police – Mid-managers

This curriculum is targeted toward individuals who are above the rank of first-line supervisor (e.g., sergeant) and below what might be considered “command staff” in ...

Police – Command (or Command and Community)

(1.5 days, 30 attendees) Agencies are recognizing that even the best officers might manifest bias and therefore even the best agencies must be proactive to ...

Police – Community

(4 hours, 40 attendees) This training is designed for communities whose law enforcement agency is either currently training or has previously trained their personnel in ...

Police – LE Civilian

(4 hours) This training is for non-sworn civilian and professional personnel working within a law enforcement agency. The training curricula is applicable for both line-level ...

Police – Training of Trainers

The Fair & Impartial Policing Training of Trainers (TOT) Program allows teams of trainers, from academies and other law enforcement training organizations, to learn to ...

Police – Patrol and Supervisor Booster

(4 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s Booster training is appropriate for patrol officers and first-line supervisors who attended their initial 8-hour training approximately 12 to 18 ...

Police – TOT Recertification with Booster

The FIP® Recertification Course is designed for agency trainers who attended a FIP Train-the-Trainer (TOT) course within the last three years. Attendees will review the ...

Police – LE Civilian TOT

(1-hour, 30 attendees) This TOT trains FIP-certified instructors to deliver our LE Civilian curriculum within their agency. This one-hour virtual TOT introduces trainers to the ...

Police – Investigator – Line-level

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This training especially for investigators provides FIP’s core content, including the nature of (and scientific evidence for) implicit biases, how implicit ...

Police – Investigator Supervisor

In addition to the content provided in the investigator’s course for line-level personnel, this course incorporates content specifically for those in a supervisory role. This ...

Police – Procedural Justice Line-level Officers

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course is intended for line-level officers and focuses on the ways procedural justice manifests, including external procedural justice (interactions with ...

Police – Procedural Justice First-line Supervisor

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course for first-line supervisors incorporates some key content from the line-level course but expands its focus to organizational procedural justice ...

Fire/EMS – Line Personnel (In-Person, Virtual)

(4 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s training program for Fire and EMS agencies includes specialized content to address the specific duties of these first responders. This ...

Fire/EMS – Online Training for Line Personnel

(3 hours, 25 attendees) This course incorporates training content from FIP’s Fire/EMS Line-Level curriculum and presents it in an engaging online environment.  At the completion ...

Fire/EMS – First-Line Supervisors (In-Person, Virtual)

(4 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s First-Line Supervisor training for Fire and EMS agencies incorporates the core content provided to line personnel and helps supervisors identify ...

Fire/EMS – Management and Leadership Personnel (In-Person, Virtual)

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course is for those in management or leadership positions in fire departments or EMS agencies (e.g., captains, deputy chiefs, directors, ...

Fire/EMS – Civilian Personnel (In-Person, Virtual)

(4 hours, 30 attendees) This course is appropriate for both line-level and first-line supervisory personnel who support fire departments and EMS agencies. This course provides ...

Government Employee Training

(In class and on-line options) Even well-intentioned government employees have biases that can affect their perceptions and behavior. Participants in this course will learn about ...

Government – Leaders/Supervisors

(4 hours, 30 attendees) Our government agencies have a responsibility to deliver quality services to all community members fairly and impartially. Yet, even the best ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Line Personnel

(8 hours, 30 attendees) For line personnel in a sheriff’s agency, FIP offers a law enforcement-focused program, a corrections-focused program, or a hybrid program that ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies– First-Line Supervisors

(8 hours, 30 attendees) FIP’s First-Line Supervisor training for sheriffs’ deputies and corrections officers incorporates the core content provided to line personnel and additionally helps ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Mid-Manager

(8 hours, 30 attendees) The FIP Mid-Manger training is for individuals within a sheriff’s agency or correctional facility who are above the rank of first-line ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Command (or Command/Community)

(1.5 days, 30 attendees) This training is for the agency executive and his/her command-level staff. Alternatively, this training may be held with both command-level personnel ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Community

(4 hours, 40 attendees) This training is designed for communities whose law enforcement agency is either currently training or has previously trained their personnel in ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Civilian Personnel

This training is for non-sworn civilian and professional personnel working within a sheriff’s agency. The training curricula is applicable for both line-level and supervisory personnel ...

Corrections – TOT Certificate

Corrections Course TOT Certificate: 2-hour virtual TOT designed for agency instructors that have attended a LE Basic TOT to implement the 8-hour Corrections/Jail Personnel training ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Investigator – Line-level

This training especially for investigators provides FIP’s core content, including the nature of (and scientific evidence for) implicit biases, how implicit biases can impact an ...

Sheriffs’ Agencies – Investigator – Supervisor

In addition to the content provided in the investigator’s course for line-level personnel, this course incorporates content specifically for those in a supervisory role. This ...


(8 hours, 30 attendees) New Prosecutor courses coming soon!  Contact us for more information. Need more info? Check out our Criminal Justice Brochure.

Probation Professionals

(6 hours, 30 attendees) The Fair & Impartial Policing (FIP) training programs apply the modern science of bias to decision-making; it educates training participants on ...

Juvenile Justice Professionals

(8 hours, 30 attendees) The Fair & Impartial Policing (FIP) training programs apply the modern science of bias to decision-making; it educates training participants on the impact ...